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smtp setup

I tried to follow the instructions for setting up SMTP from this documentation link:


But the description does not complete match the jboss-services-events.xml, so I tried a few things. In some cases, upon an alert I can see in the server.log file that the server couldn't send an email and I know my setup is wrong...But in other cases (like the configuration setup below), it doesn't complain, however the email never arrives.

Since I am using the Amazon AWS AMI with a pre-installed HQ server, I have no root password of the instance and I can't peek in the var/log/mail* files to see what happens with the alert-emails...

Anyway, any suggestions on what's wrong with the below SMTP setup?

  <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- Mail Connection Factory                                              -->
  <!-- ==================================================================== -->

  <mbean code="org.jboss.mail.MailService"
    <attribute name="JNDIName">java:/SpiderMail</attribute>
    <attribute name="User">joe@blah.com</attribute>
    <attribute name="Password">secret_pwd</attribute>
    <attribute name="Configuration">
       <!-- SMTP -->
         <property name="mail.smtp.auth" value="true"/>
         <property name="mail.smtp.port" value="25"/>


Gmail SMTP configuration

Hi all, I have been scowering the interpages for a few hours now reading all the HQ documentation and related posts on this forum but not really any good leads to go on.  Im trying to configure HyperHQ to use gmail as my SMTP server.  I set up an alert and when I trigger it it works correctly however email is not sent.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.

  <!-- ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- Mail Connection Factory                                              -->
  <!-- ==================================================================== -->

  <mbean code="org.jboss.mail.MailService"
    <attribute name="JNDIName">java:/SpiderMail</attribute>
    <attribute name="User">matts.mamp@gmail.com"</attribute>
    <attribute name="Password">t0p53cr3t!!</attribute>
    <attribute name="Configuration">
       <!-- Test -->
          <!-- Change to your mail server prototocol -->
          <property name="mail.store.protocol" value="pop3"/>
          <property name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp"/>

          <!-- Change to the user who will receive mail  -->
          <property name="mail.user" value="nobody"/>

          <!-- Change to the mail server  -->
          <property name="mail.pop3.host" value="pop3.nosuchhost.nosuchdomain.com"/>

          <!-- Change to the SMTP gateway server -->
          <property name="mail.smtp.auth" value="true"/>
          <property name="mail.smtp.host" value="@@@server.mail.host@@@"/>
          <property name="mail.smtp.starttls.enabled" value="true"/>
          <property name="mail.smtp.socketFactory.port" value="587"/>
          <property name="mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback" value="false"/>
          <property name="mail.smtp.socketFactory.class" value="javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory"/>

          <!-- Enable debugging output from the javamail classes -->
          <property name="mail.debug" value="false"/>

hq-server.conf (email only)
# Email Settings

# Property: server.mail.host
# The IP or hostname of the SMTP server that the HQ server will use for sending
# alerts and other HQ-related emails.  Most UNIX platforms have a local SMTP
# server, in which case localhost or can be used here.

log failures
2009-12-03 01:17:59,247 INFO  [main] [org.jboss.system.ServiceConfigurator@470] Problem configuring service jboss:service=SpiderMail
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: No Attribute found with name: matts.mamp@gmail.com

--- MBeans waiting for other MBeans ---
ObjectName: jboss:service=SpiderMail
  State: FAILED
  Reason: org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: No Attribute found with name: matts.mamp@gmail.com

ObjectName: jboss:service=SpiderMail
  State: FAILED
  Reason: org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: No Attribute found with name: matts.mamp@gmail.com

Brief explaination on using Humidor and SigarProxyCache?

I've checked the online documentation and the Jira on these new objects and I'm a bit fuzzy on how they are used. I'm getting and exception using them and suspect I'm doing it wrong and the docs are a bit sparse.

I *THINK* that the Humidor uses the SigarProxyCache underneath it and of course that uses the Sigar class inside it.

I *THINK* that the SigarProxyCache just generates proxy objects for caching purposes and the Humidor goes one step further and produces SigarProxyCache object that are thread safe .... but I am not sure on this.

I'm specifically interested on how to initialize these objects considering the possible interdependencies.

Could someone explain this dynamic for me ... BTW I did appreciate the Humidor class name!

-Gerald Talton

Hyperic won't auto-discover JMX MBeans in Tomcat

I'm trying to get Hyperic to auto-discover some custom MBeans in my webapp (see code below).

I'm evaluating HQ Version (build #1284 - Mar 24, 2010 - Release Build), in conjunction with a simple webapp built with Spring Framework 3.0.1.RELEASE. I've tried deploying the webapp in SpringSource tc Server as well as in Tomcat 6.0.26, with the same result in each case; Hyperic autodiscovers the servlet container but doesn't show my custom MBeans.

I followed the steps shown in http://support.hyperic.com/display/DOC/Model+MBean+Naming+and+Descriptor+Data#ModelMBeanNamingandDescriptorData-ModelMBeanObjectNameFormat to annotate my classes as @ManagedResource's.

My custom MBeans show up fine in JConsole (using the connection URL "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:6969/jmxrmi"), but I can't get Hyperic to discover them.

My webapp is built with standard Spring 3.0.1, not instrumented Spring.

Here is the relevant code from one of the MBeans:

@ManagedResource(objectName = "spring.application:application=eservices, type=ResourcePool, name=httpClientPoolImpl",
        description = "HTTP Client Pool")
public class HttpClientPoolImpl implements HttpClientPool {
@ManagedMetric(category = "utilization", displayName = "Number of clients available",
            description = "The number of HTTP clients available in the pool",
            metricType = MetricType.GAUGE, unit = "none")
    public synchronized int getNumberOfClientsAvailable() {
        return clientsAvailable;

The following extract from the Hyperic agent's logfile shows that the autodiscoverer is throwing a NullPointerException:

2010-06-08 15:59:28,304 INFO  [Thread-2] [RuntimeAutodiscoverer] Running runtime autodiscovery for SpringSource tc Runtime 6.0
2010-06-08 15:59:28,344 ERROR [Thread-2] [RuntimeAutodiscoverer] Unexpected error running autodiscoverer for plugin: SpringSource
        at java.util.Hashtable.put(Hashtable.java:394)
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.PluginUpdater.addProperties(PluginUpdater.java:77)
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.PluginUpdater.updatePluginData(PluginUpdater.java:84)
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.PluginUpdater.updateServiceTypes(PluginUpdater.java:110)
        at org.hyperic.hq.product.ServerDetector.discoverResources(ServerDetector.java:218)
        at org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.agent.server.RuntimeAutodiscoverer.doRuntimeScan_internal(RuntimeAutodiscoverer.java:272)
        at org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.agent.server.RuntimeAutodiscoverer.doRuntimeScan(RuntimeAutodiscoverer.java:205)
        at org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.ScanManager.mainRunLoop(ScanManager.java:165)
        at org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.ScanManager.access$000(ScanManager.java:41)

I'd appreciate any help I can get. The logfile indicates a bug in the Hyperic agent, but is this the reason for not discovering the MBeans?


Running simple command java -jar sigar.jar throws error

When I run the sigar.jar I get the following error:
liblibsigar-x86_64-linux.so: liblibsigar-x86_64-linux.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
org.hyperic.sigar.SigarException: liblibsigar-x86_64-linux.so: liblibsigar-x86_64-linux.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
   at org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar.loadLibrary(Sigar.java:172)
   at org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar.<clinit>(Sigar.java:100)
   at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(libgcj.so.7rh)
   at java.lang.Class.forName(libgcj.so.7rh)
   at org.hyperic.sigar.SigarLoader.class$(SigarLoader.java:77)
   at org.hyperic.sigar.SigarLoader.getLocation(SigarLoader.java:77)
   at org.hyperic.sigar.cmd.Runner.main(Runner.java:176)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
   at java.io.File.normalizePath(libgcj.so.7rh)
   at java.io.File.<init>(libgcj.so.7rh)
   at org.hyperic.sigar.cmd.Runner.getLibJars(Runner.java:73)
   at org.hyperic.sigar.cmd.Runner.addJarDir(Runner.java:134)
   at org.hyperic.sigar.cmd.Runner.main(Runner.java:180)

I am running the test on a (RHEL 6.5).

Java provides the OS information as
Operating System:Linux 2.6.18-92.el5
Number of processors:2

So what is the native shared lib that it should use?

If the shared library is identified how do I make it available to the application?


error (bug?) w/ control actions

Hi there,

I have some difficulties (re)starting a tc Server when hyperic is running as a diffenerent user than the tc Server-user and hyperic is not running as root.

The manual (http://pubs.vmware.com/vfabric5/index.jsp?topic=/com.vmware.vfabric.tc-server.2.6/getting-started/install-user-management.html) reads:
prompt$ groupadd spring; useradd hyperic -g spring; useradd tcserver -g spring
Create the tc Server instance and run it as this user.
[x] done.
Next step: adding
hyperic ALL=(tcserver) NOPASSWD: /path/to/tcruntime-ctl.sh
to /etc/sudoers
[x] done.

Then I select the tc Server in hq, go to the "Control"-Panel and select
Quick Control -> Control Action: Restart
and the result is:
Command State: Error
Command Status: Restart failed. sudo: sorry, a password is required to run sudo

Can I pass the hyperic user password to the hyperic agent?
There's a box "Control Arguments (optional):" - can I use it for this purpose? How?

Any hints, tips & tricks are welcome. :-)

sidenote: On a different machine I tried to stop an Apache Tomcat (hyperic agent user: hyperic, tomcat server user: tomcat, both in group: hyperic). HQ told me as result "OK" but instead nothing(!) happened, the tomcat still was running... :-/

Getting Hyperic to monitor ESXi hosts or vCenter Server


I don't know if I'm in the right place here since I don't see a vFabric Hyperic forum and I'm just starting out on Hyperic as well.


I deployed the vFabric Hyperic 5.0 vApp and am finding the documentation either really bad or just too hard to figure out for a beginner. I'm trying to see what I need to do to have Hyperic monitor vCenter 5.1, VMs and ESXi 5.1 hosts assuming it will do all that.


I read not to install the agent on the vCenter server then read you should install it on the vCenter server. Then I read to install the agent on another computer and edit the agent.properties file but the edits look like they are already there. I also read ESXi will report to Hyperic as is but cant find what I need to do to make that happen. It also seems that you can have the vCenter agent running and then have agents on all the VMs for application monitoring.


If anyone can give me the quickie lesson on what I need to do or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it!

Hyperic 4.6.6 Agent Startup Failure




We have been using Hyperic extensively for monitoring more than 150 platforms for the past 3-4 months. We have recently upgraded the version from 4.4 to 4.6.6.


The issue is with the Hyperic Agent Startup and it is coming intermittently on few of the VM's. Steps to reproduce this:

1) Stop the Hyperic Agent

2) Start the Hyperic Agent


What I see on the console is:

Error:Error contacting agent: Error sending argument: Unable to connect to Connection refused, retried 5 times, cmd=agenting


The logs in log/agent,log:


19-02-2013 13:12:01,000 UTC INFO  [AgentDaemonMain] [AgentDaemon@1050] Attempting to rollback agent bundle
19-02-2013 13:12:01,001 UTC INFO  [AgentDaemonMain] [AgentDaemon@1059] Rollback of agent bundle was successful
19-02-2013 13:12:01,001 UTC INFO  [AgentDaemonMain] [AgentDaemon@1064] Restarting JVM...
19-02-2013 13:12:01,002 UTC INFO  [AgentDaemonMain] [AgentUpgradeManager@67] restart requested
19-02-2013 13:12:20,748 UTC ERROR [AgentDaemonMain] [AgentDaemon@1004] Agent configuration failed:
        at org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.StandardPBEStringEncryptor.decrypt(StandardPBEStringEncryptor.java:653)
        at org.hyperic.util.security.MarkedStringEncryptor.decrypt(MarkedStringEncryptor.java:74)
        at org.jasypt.properties.PropertyValueEncryptionUtils.decrypt(PropertyValueEncryptionUtils.java:72)
        at org.hyperic.util.security.SecurityUtil.decrypt(SecurityUtil.java:101)
        at org.hyperic.hq.agent.server.AgentDListProvider.init(AgentDListProvider.java:371)
        at org.hyperic.hq.agent.server.AgentDaemon.createStorageProvider(AgentDaemon.java:384)
        at org.hyperic.hq.agent.server.AgentDaemon.configure(AgentDaemon.java:430)
        at org.hyperic.hq.agent.server.AgentDaemon.newInstance(AgentDaemon.java:184)
        at org.hyperic.hq.agent.server.AgentDaemon$RunnableAgent.run(AgentDaemon.java:1001)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
While the logs in log/wrapper.log are as follows:
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:11:21 | JVM requested a restart.
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/02/19 13:11:22 | Stopping agent ...
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/02/19 13:11:34 | Success -- agent is stopped!
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:11:39 | Reloading Wrapper configuration...
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:11:39 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2013/02/19 13:11:39 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2013/02/19 13:11:41 | - Invoking agent
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2013/02/19 13:11:41 | - Agent thread running
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2013/02/19 13:11:41 | - Verifying if agent is running...
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2013/02/19 13:11:41 | Error invoking agent: Agent reported an error while starting up
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:11:41 | JVM requested a restart.
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2013/02/19 13:11:42 | Stopping agent ...
INFO   | jvm 2    | 2013/02/19 13:11:54 | Success -- agent is stopped!
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:11:59 | Reloading Wrapper configuration...
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:11:59 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2013/02/19 13:11:59 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2013/02/19 13:12:00 | - Invoking agent
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2013/02/19 13:12:00 | - Agent thread running
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2013/02/19 13:12:00 | - Verifying if agent is running...
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2013/02/19 13:12:01 | Error invoking agent: Agent reported an error while starting up
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:12:01 | JVM requested a restart.
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2013/02/19 13:12:02 | Stopping agent ...
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2013/02/19 13:12:14 | Success -- agent is stopped!
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:12:19 | Reloading Wrapper configuration...
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:12:19 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 4    | 2013/02/19 13:12:19 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
INFO   | jvm 4    | 2013/02/19 13:12:20 | - Invoking agent
INFO   | jvm 4    | 2013/02/19 13:12:20 | - Agent thread running
INFO   | jvm 4    | 2013/02/19 13:12:20 | - Verifying if agent is running...
INFO   | jvm 4    | 2013/02/19 13:12:20 | Error invoking agent: Agent reported an error while starting up
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:12:20 | JVM requested a restart.
INFO   | jvm 4    | 2013/02/19 13:12:21 | Stopping agent ...
INFO   | jvm 4    | 2013/02/19 13:12:33 | Success -- agent is stopped!
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:12:38 | Reloading Wrapper configuration...
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:12:38 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 5    | 2013/02/19 13:12:39 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
INFO   | jvm 5    | 2013/02/19 13:12:40 | - Invoking agent
INFO   | jvm 5    | 2013/02/19 13:12:40 | - Agent thread running
INFO   | jvm 5    | 2013/02/19 13:12:40 | - Verifying if agent is running...
INFO   | jvm 5    | 2013/02/19 13:12:40 | Error invoking agent: Agent reported an error while starting up
INFO   | jvm 5    | 2013/02/19 13:12:41 | Stopping agent ...
INFO   | jvm 5    | 2013/02/19 13:12:53 | Success -- agent is stopped!
ERROR  | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:13:14 | Shutdown failed: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.
ERROR  | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:13:14 | JVM did not exit on request, terminated
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:13:15 | JVM received a signal SIGKILL (9).
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:13:15 | on_exit trigger matched.  Restarting the JVM.  (Exit code: 1)
FATAL  | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:13:15 | There were 5 failed launches in a row, each lasting less than 60 seconds.  Giving up.
FATAL  | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:13:15 |   There may be a configuration problem:please check the logs.
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/02/19 13:13:15 | <-- Wrapper Stopped

Any help on this would be really appreciated.

SigarPermissionDeniedException at ProcCpu.gather()




I'm trying to run the following code:



import org.hyperic.sigar.SigarException;
import org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar
public class PerformanceMonitor {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws SigarException, InterruptedException {
          for(long pid: new Sigar().getProcList())
               System.out.println(formatProcInfo(sigar, pid));
     private static String formatProcInfo(Sigar sigar, long pid) throws SigarException {
          return String.format("%d - %s - %d%% - %d - %d",


I get the following Exception:


Exception in thread "main" org.hyperic.sigar.SigarPermissionDeniedException: m Files\Common Files     at org.hyperic.sigar.ProcCpu.gather(Native Method)     at org.hyperic.sigar.ProcCpu.fetch(ProcCpu.java:30)     at org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar.getProcCpu(Sigar.java:488)     at perfMon.PerformanceMonitor.formatProcInfo(PerformanceMonitor.java:37)     at perfMon.PerformanceMonitor.main(PerformanceMonitor.java:29)


I'm running the code on a Winows 8 x86 machine.

What am I doing wrong?

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "eam_config_props" does not exist




Did anyone ever find the solution to


Error loading starting schema version: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "eam_config_props" does not exist

  Position: 15

I am getting the same error on Hyperic version 5.8.0 when trying to start the service?

Hyperic 5.8 can monitoring Web App?




   I have a typical web app system:


- Web interface, with user and password authentication.

- I log in with user and password.

   If i can log into the system, success.

  If i can`t log into the system (because database is down, system is very slow, system is wrong, etc) then i need a mail notification.


   Can hyperic monitoring this kind of system?




5.8 on Centos can't send email via SMTP


For some reason, the server can't send an email. I get this in the log for an alert I set up:

23-03-2014 11:36:46,237 ADT ERROR [pool-2-thread-3] [org.hyperic.hq.bizapp.server.session.EmailManagerImpl@162] Error sending email: [HQ] !! - Free Memory < 4.7GB eosstgdb01


The email address it is trying to send to is correct. I've installed postfix and testing it with telnet and I can send an email successfully. I've also use the mail program to send an email successfully, so I know postfix is set up correctly. I also can connect to the smtp server remotely from another server. I even set HQ to point to another server that has postfix running and it still failed. So it's definitely something with HQ.


All I had in my conf file was:


I then tried:

# Change to SMTP port


# SMTP properties







But it didn't make a difference.


In the HQ server settings, the only option for email is:

base url :

From Email Address: aa@aa.com


So what else can I do?


hey all,

i'm trying to monitor my Tomcat server using hyperic .

if some one can tell me the step  how to configure JMX with tomcat5.5

I would appreciate

Hyperic SMTP in 4.6


I've read through this guide: http://support.hyperic.com/display/DOC/Configuring+HQ+Server+for+SMTP+Server for version 4.2-4.4


It looks like you used to have a template where users could specify the username & password the Java Mail sender would use to authenticate.


Now in 4.5 & 4.6, you have http://support.hyperic.com/display/EVO/Configuring+Hyperic+Server+for+SMTP+Server


You have two cases:

  1. No auth example using localhost.  I should not have to set up sendmail to use SMTP.  I love this product, but this part kills me
  2. An SSL example


What about the case where i'm not using SSL, but need to authenticate?  I have the following in my hq-server.conf file:


# Change to SMTP port
# SMTP properties


Granted, there is overlap and non-user in some of the variables above, I included everything for completeness.  The server I am using, requires authentication.  Yet, if I set auth true, it doesn't connect.  If I turn auth off, it connects, but obviously fails to send due to no authentication.


I can telnet to the server and send an email.  I can also write my own program using JavaMail to do this, using an authenticated session:


return Session.getDefaultInstance(props, new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(
                        "user", "pass");


Why is it that you guys completely fail in every respect when using an authenticated session over SMTP.  It took me 5 minutes to set this up in Atlassian products, but have now wasted 2 days with your product.  I love this product, but not having efficient email alerts and setup is killing me.  Please get back to me if you can or it's back to Nagios.


Btw, I've enabled DEBUG in log4j and get the encompassing Connection Exception: timed out when auth=true.

Lost HQAdmin password

Is there a way to manually change the HQAdmin password? I have checked in the database but cannot figure out what type of crypt/hash was used to store the password.

If I knew how the system was hashing the passwords, I could do it manually and just update the password fields in the DB.

Thanks in advance,

Availability Reporting with JasperReports

Hyperic and Jaspersoft are beginning our work on the first report definition for the Reporting requirements in our summer release currently code named Minerva. Minerva is the greek goddess of knowledge which is one of the main release themes of this release – expanding your knowledge and analysis of your systems management domain.

The first report is the Availability Report. For the details on the Product Requirement Document, and for other currently updated features, please refer to the Product Roadmap section of the Wiki - http://support.hyperic.com/confluence/display/DOC/Product+Roadmap

Trying to monitor the postfix 2.x server and see that it is working

I would like to monitor the postfix server on a Solaris box.  I go to hyperic client running postfix and open the tools menu and say add server. Postfix is a server . I edit the config file for the server with the info it needs. using a description of "monitor postfix".I now  see a Green availability ball for the postfix server. on the dashboard

Is this telling me that postfix is sending mail properly ? or that the postfix process just exists.? Why do i need to read the mail queues??? Do i need to have permissions to read queues to see if postfix is working (not just there ???)

In the config file it said that I need to run the chyperic client agent as root or have permissions to read the mail queues.  Im NOt running the client as root . Why do I need permission to read the defer or mail queues for ???

Can you tell me what the Green ball for postfix is saying ??
an d why there are orange balls for the defer queues an no other queues are mentioned.

Under Servers -postfix2.x monitor postfix(my named file) , I see a orage ball fore the Postfix 2.x queue...under which are defer queue and deferred queue both orange ..

I guess these are the queues that I need the root client running for ????

Are these the only queues I need to monitor ???  Does hyperic pluging use thses
queues to test the proper functioninf of postfix???

Weblogic Cluster Monitoring

I am using the Hyperic HQ 3.1.4 (Open Source) to test and find the monitoring/alerting capabilities of Hyperic HQ. As of now I am able to configure it to monitor all Weblogic installation except those that are in a "Weblogic Cluster" ? It does show me the JTA and JVM details under "Weblogic Admin 8.1 > colorado Weblogic Admin 8.1 extranet admin-server" but the "Services" section does not show anything. It is empty "No health data is available for this resource."

In the installations that are not in WL-Cluster, I can see different Services like "Weblogic Admin 8.1 Execute Queue"  and see the corresponding "Idle Threads" etc...

Do we need to something different for WL-Cluster? Am I missing something?


Server logs flooded with email error messages...

Server logs are filling up with errors along this line every ten minutes:

Mar  2 04:29:29 dust-builder-01 sendmail[27427]: m22CTT1G027427: localhost.localdomain [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA
Mar  2 04:39:29 dust-builder-01 sendmail[28399]: m22CdT3H028399: localhost.localdomain [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA
Mar  2 04:49:29 dust-builder-01 sendmail[29300]: m22CnTwu029300: localhost.localdomain [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA
Mar  2 04:59:30 dust-builder-01 sendmail[30209]: m22CxURH030209: localhost.localdomain [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA

Pretty certain this is due to Hyperic checking availability of SMTP port. Is there a way to avoid this?

Support for Polyserve cluster?

Good day,

Does anyone know if the Hyperic supports Polyserver clustered filesystems? I know it supports Oracle's clustered filesystem (ocfs2) which we are also using, but it doesn't recognize the psfs mounts on a different system. Are there plans to support this filesystem, or does it already support it and I am missing something? Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

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